25. dec. 2012

What I got for Christmas ♥

I hope you all had a merry merry Christmas!
I know for sure that I had, while being surrounded by family and smiling faces.
I got a lot of awesome things this year, so why not share it?
First off, I got this picture-frame. It is one big picture-frame, but it has 8 "individual" picture-frames in it.
This was on my wishlist and I kinda knew that I would get it. 

These two heavenly soft pillows in a white color with a darker shade underneath and a black one, I was thrilled about. Seriously, they are so soft, especially the white one! My family called it the "polar bear pillow", but I went with the "wolf pillow".
I wasn't the only one who was enjoying the fur pillows, I had to send the pillows around the table so all my grandparents could feel them, haha! :-)

I knew I would get this bad and bracelet, but I was still really excited! I mean, just look at all that (fake) fur! And the pretty vintage looking bracelet, yush!
I received two gift cards. One to Förde Park, a shopping-center in Germany, and one for New Yorker.
Finally I can shop til' I drop!

Here's a better picture of the bracelet. See how cute it is?
I got two books from my brother and sister. The first is Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. The other is Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan, which is the second book in the Sky Chasers series.
My sister bought me an extra present, True Blood Season 4. It was an impulse buy she told me, as I don't have any of the seasons, and she already had a present for me. 

I'm also really excited about Gossip Girl Season 3, because I've been wanting this for a while, and I can't wait to watch it again.

I had a pleasureable Christmas, and I hope you had too! xx

22. dec. 2012

Christmas Wishes

What's on your wishlist?

What is on your wishlist for Christmas?
I have so many things I want and no money, so my wishlists are always endless.

Merry Christmas wishful wishers! 

20. dec. 2012

Advent-gifts throughout December!

Hello guys and happy December!
Do you still get presents on every Sunday  until Christmas eve? This year I did, and I wanted to share with you what I got the first three advent-Sundays.
First Sunday in December  (+ Saturday): The 1st of December I got a Rittersport Christmas-calendar, where you open a 'door' every day, and get a piece of chocolate - yumm! 
First Sunday in December (+ Saturday): At the same time I also got another calendar (left picture), where you open a door every day that holds a number. You check the number online to see if you are one of that days winners.
Second Sunday in December: My mum awakened me with this danish book called "Den Fremmede Gæst" by Charlotte Link, which originally is a German book. (Right picture). I don't think this is translated into english, but the title means "The foreign guest".
(Original Title: Der Fremde Gäst)
Third Sunday in December: I got two more danish books. "Klasse" and "En kvinde, tre mænd og en psykolog" by Curtis Sittenfeld. (Original Titles: Prep and The Man Of My Dreams)

Fourth Sunday in December: I wanted to add a picture of my gift this Sunday, but I had trouble with it, so you must do without. I got the Playboy VIP set, not the magazine, but the deodorant and perfume! ;-)

Merry Christmas snowflakes! xx